Monday, February 28, 2011

Snow! Oil! Spending cuts! The folly of GDP predictions

The fragile U.S. economy still faces headwinds, but just how much will they hinder growth? No one's quite sure, but everyone has an opinion. Economists are still kicking themselves for failing to predict the impact of the financial crisis on the economy. So perhaps that's why they've been particularly vigilant lately in their predictions for [...]


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Risk Chat: Cloud Risks to Monitor in 2011

What cloud-computing risks should CFOs monitor this year? Security and vendor management, according to Max Staines, president of Compass North America.
Staines defines cloud computing as a delivery platform that enables an ?optimized IT environment? with a ?usage-based model characterized by pricing mechanisms and commercial terms that create incentives for the service provider to deliver as [...]


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Is Dodd-Frank in Question?

Reuters reports a fresh effort to slow, if not derail, the implementation of Dodd-Frank.
In an article posted Thursday, the news service reports that it obtained a letter from Republicans on the Senate Banking Committee addressed to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and other market and banking regulators.
?The letter raises questions about whether U.S. regulators [...]


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Bankruptcy Court for States?

Recently, there?s been talk about changing the law to allow states to file for bankruptcy.� Under current law, cities and towns are able to file for bankruptcy, but states can?t. There have been three recent times when this issue was mentioned: 1.���� Newt Gingrich delivered a speech in November in which he said, ?I also [...]


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Sunday, February 27, 2011

New Issue of Accounts (the ASA Economic Sociology newsletter)

You can get your copy here!  


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Finance and Accountancy Training Helps in Building a Successful Career

Choosing finance and accounting as a career will offer you good amount of satisfaction and monetary gains. A lot of people are under a notion that finance and accounts professionals sit in a cabin crowded with files and other important finance statements. Most of the times, these jobs are considered to be boring. However, this [...]


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Banks Are Now Government Sponsored Entities

MIT Professor Simon Johnson (formerly IMF Chief Economist)�testified before the Senate Budget Committee last week and also wrote a short blog entry.� He really took it to the banks.� I?ve separated some of his most interesting arguments into categories.� (Some comments are lifted straight from his testimony.� At other times, I have paraphrased and added [...]


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Wants, Needs, and the Sense of Entitlement

This is a guest post from Gail Vaz-Oxlade, the host of the popular Til Debt Do U$ Part on CNBC (Saturday nights at 10 and 10:30). Gail is a columnist for MoneySense, Chatelaine, and Zoomer Magazine and blogs daily at her website, where she also offers terrific tools people can use to dig themselves out [...]


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10 Money Lessons from Music Lyrics

This post is from staff writer April Dykman. When you’re looking for personal finance advice, you probably check out books and websites like GRS, but what about turning on the radio? Recently, I wrote about the cost of love and mentioned several songs with lyrics about love and money. This got me thinking about how [...]


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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Tried And Tested Debt Solutions

Another solution is debt settlement. This is the usual route if you have high interest unsecured debt. Here again, it is best to retain the services of professionals. Creditors will tend to agree to this option if the debt has been unpaid for a long period and there is very little likelihood of them being able to collect it


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The Tax Protestor FAQ

Every so often (especially this time of year), someone writes to let me in on a secret. “J.D., did you know you don’t have to pay income taxes?” they’ll say. “It’s true! Income tax is illegal!” I’ve never known how to respond to these folks. Now, I can just point them to the Tax Protester [...]


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Instant decision loans ? financial help when you need it the most

Sometimes we need loans to fulfill our utmost requirements when we don’t have enough time to relax. There is an easy solution to it with instant decision loans which is planned to meet the urgent requirements. It can easily resolve the problems without having to wait till the next payday.
Instant decision loans also known as [...]


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Confessions of a Spendaholic: How to Curb Compulsive Spending

My name is J.D., and I’m a spendaholic. Now admittedly, I mostly have my spending under control. I’m no longer in debt, and I force myself to make conscious decisions about what I purchase. (Conscious spending is one of the keys to overcoming emotional spending.) Having said that, however, I know that if I relax [...]


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Behavioral Economics: The End of ?Manly? Banking?

Wall Street?s bull statue stands as a symbol of unbridled capitalism. But then came the 2008 Wall Street crisis. The era of confidence was over, and attention shifted to the role of emotions and irrationality in economic behavior -- essentially, the psychology behind economics.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Hedge Fund?s Pack Behaviors

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) recently published a headline article titled ?Hedge Funds? Pack Behaviors Magnifies Market Swings?. While it is not unusual to see the WSJ write on hedge funds and market swings, this article is unusual because it emphasizes the social ties linking investors. It reflects a sea change in the way that [...]


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Few tips before closing a credit card

There are several people who have decided that they would give up on their credit card, seeing the global recession. However putting down or closing your credit card account is not supposed to be an intelligent idea, while doing so one must be very aware of the consequences.
Why is it necessary for you to be [...]


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The underarticulated politics of the ?economization? programme: A provocation

Many contributors to this site have an interest in using the methods and concepts of what has been called the ‘economization’ approach to studying markets (myself included). And have come in for criticism from some quarters for doing so. But in the effort to defend themselves against competing approaches, is insufficient attention being paid to [...]


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Sustainable Working Capital Improvements: Making Best Practices Stick

When the credit markets suddenly froze during the financial crisis, finance teams at large companies went into triage mode and raised spare-cash levels to unprecedented heights. What?s happened since then?
One year ago, APQC?s financial management research team began to examine the current and future state of working capital management. Our working hypothesis, which carried across [...]


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Studs Terkel?s Working

A couple of weeks ago, I shared an instructional video from 1948 called You and Your Work. This film painted an ideal (and idealized) view of the workplace and the worker’s role in it. But we all know work isn’t really like that, right? Yes it’s important to work hard, and yes it’s important to [...]


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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Despite the Recovery, Late Payments Soar

Credit and collections officers may want to take note: Even as the economy appears to be slowly gathering steam, delinquent payments are on the rise, based on the findings from the most recent Business Benchmark Report from Experian.


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Review: SuperFreakonomics

Best Price $23.99 The New York Times best-selling Freakonomics was a worldwide sensation, selling over four million copies in thirty-five languages and changing the way we look at the world. Now, Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner return with SuperFreakonomics, and fans and newcomers alike will find that the freakquel is even bolder, funnier, [...]


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Renters Insurance: A Wise Consideration

Many people do not have renters insurance because they either do not know it is available or they feel it is not needed because they do not own the property or dwelling in they reside. Yet, owning renters insurance can be a godsend in the event of any number of hazards. Those who live in apartment complexes have no control over how their neighbors or other tenants live.


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The Kitchen Appliance Maintenance Checklist

Not keeping kitchen appliances in top condition can have serious consequences. Nothing, after all, strikes fear into the heart of home cooks quite like a broken oven or a refrigerator on the fritz.


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Tax Season Tips To Keep You Sane: Mint?s Personal Finance Roundup

With tax season heating up, most of us are poring over our financial documents and focusing on getting our records straight. In the world of personal finance, tax prep doesn't exactly rank as the most interesting activity in anyone's to-do list. (In fact, we rank it solidly between getting a flu shot and a root canal.) To help you out with some great tips for this time of year, we prepared a list of tax-related articles from around the blogosphere.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Five DIY Valentine?s Day Ideas for Frugal Sweethearts

This post is from staff writer April Dykman. Valentine’s Day is a commercialized holiday, but I say, “So what!” Sure, you don’t need a holiday to show appreciation for your significant other, but why miss out on the extra chance to do it? Besides, you don’t have to celebrate the way the commercials tell you [...]


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Who Qualifies For Obama?s Home Loan Modification Plan?

Obama’s home loan modification plan is officially known as the Making Home Affordable (MHA) plan. This plan is expected to reach up to 9 million families, so that they can refinance or modify their loans in the meantime they can look for jobs and hold their houses during this economic recession. Even if you think [...]


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Pre-Marketing 2.22.11

* Michael Hiltzik:�Boeing learns a costly lesson on outsourcing * Memo: Did Lehman Brothers con JPMorgan into�holding onto "goat poo" securities *�Andrew Wallenstein: What worries Netflix (NFLX) about Amazon�isn't just the competition * Morning Call: U.S. futures point lower on Libya turmoil, London falls early,�European shares retreat and the Nikkei tumbles. * Study:�The racial demographics [...]


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Stocks are pricey, but are they overvalued?

Equities are looking a lot less interesting as an investment than they did when almost no one wanted them, and Treasuries are looking a lot more interesting than they did when everyone wanted them. Boy, the market has sure been fun for those of us who held onto our stocks (or bought more of them) [...]


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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Compound Returns in the Garden: How Long-Term Planning Pays Off When Growing Your Own Food

A lot of folks have been asking if my wife and I will be doing the Get Rich Slowly garden project this year. That’s the plan! After a one-year hiatus, Kris and I intend to track our spending and our profit for the food we grow on our land. January saw no spending and no [...]


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Compound Returns in the Garden: How Long-Term Planning Pays Off When Growing Your Own Food

A lot of folks have been asking if my wife and I will be doing the Get Rich Slowly garden project this year. That’s the plan! After a one-year hiatus, Kris and I intend to track our spending and our profit for the food we grow on our land. January saw no spending and no [...]


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Is Dodd-Frank in Question?

Reuters reports a fresh effort to slow, if not derail, the implementation of Dodd-Frank.
In an article posted Thursday, the news service reports that it obtained a letter from Republicans on the Senate Banking Committee addressed to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and other market and banking regulators.
?The letter raises questions about whether U.S. regulators [...]


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Checking In from Africa

Greetings from Zimbabwe. Kris and I are ensconced at the Victoria Falls Hotel, a gorgeous and ridiculously colonial lodge located minutes from the edge of the largest waterfall in the world. (This place feels like something out of a James Bond movie.) A small section of Victoria Falls, the largest waterfall in the world.It’s more [...]


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The Truth About Tax Deductions

This is a guest post from GRS reader Greg Braun, a Certified Public Accountant from Nampa, Idaho. Nobody likes to pay taxes. And I think we all get a little kick out of finding ways to save on our tax bill. We smile when we find a deduction we’d been missing. Maybe we think it’s [...]


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Monday, February 21, 2011

Risk Chat: Cloud Risks to Monitor in 2011

What cloud-computing risks should CFOs monitor this year? Security and vendor management, according to Max Staines, president of Compass North America.
Staines defines cloud computing as a delivery platform that enables an ?optimized IT environment? with a ?usage-based model characterized by pricing mechanisms and commercial terms that create incentives for the service provider to deliver as [...]


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Does buying this car seem like a good idea?

heygirl34 asks the question: Hey everyone. I’m a senior in college. My old car broke down, and I have my eyes on a model that I really like. I want to buy one and drive it until I’m 30 and get the max out of it! I’m in love with them and think it would [...]


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Can the sociology of finance prevent the next bubble?

As chance would have it, I lived in New York during the early 2000s, and then again in second half of the decade. This gave me front-row view to the two fin-de-siecle capitalist crises. I was a young PhD student at NYU during the dot-com boom, and strove to “participate” by studying securities analysts and [...]


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Two smartest things that I did this year along with one dumbest move

So far, I have done two smartest things in this year. One is I started with a Roth IRA for myself and my wife. I chose Fidelity because the startup fee was relatively low and my 401K is with them. I dumped a lump sum amount of $2500 into FLATX for my wife and FSEAX [...]


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Great Comments From the Dallas Fed

The rest of this week, I?m going to bring a few quotes from some recent Fed speeches.� I read several in the past week (I know?you want to party with me).� I?m a big believer that whether you agree or disagree with particular Fed Governors or District Bank Presidents, these are some really smart people [...]


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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Pent-Up Demand

By the title of this blog, you probably figure that this is going to be all about me and Jenny.� But no, it?s not.� I want to share a few quick ideas. 1. Particularly Strong GDP Number Below, you will find a chart of GDP growth.� For the last six quarters (until Q4), I?ve complained [...]


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Online Education Review

With an online education, you can surely take your career to greater heights. Before you start enrolling, have you already decided on the degree that you will be taking? If you are still uncertain about what you want, this online education review can give you more insight and help you make an informed decision. Here’s [...]


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Teaser: The 2011 Get Rich Slowly Video Contest is Coming!

Can you feel it in the air? It’s almost time for the second annual Get Rich Slowly video contest! Last year, to celebrate this site’s fourth anniversary, we invited readers to submit short videos sharing financial tips and success stories. We received 57 submissions, from which I picked a handful of contest winners. 2010 Video [...]


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How to ?Cheat? on Your Taxes ? Legally

This is a Guest Post by Richard Close. As a former IRS Revenue Officer, Richard “stole” $10 Million for the IRS. Now he works to help American taxpayers. Richard writes IRS news and updates daily on his website, The IRS Hitman. You can find answers to common tax questions in his knowledge vault. Ah, tax [...]


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Who Qualifies For Obama?s Home Loan Modification Plan?

Obama’s home loan modification plan is officially known as the Making Home Affordable (MHA) plan. This plan is expected to reach up to 9 million families, so that they can refinance or modify their loans in the meantime they can look for jobs and hold their houses during this economic recession. Even if you think [...]


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Saturday, February 19, 2011

How to Choose the Best MBA Program

Online MBA degree has a great range of specializations. There is an MBA specialization for almost every field of industry. That’s why you should be well-informed in order to make the right choice with the maximum benefit for your career path. More often, people want to get leadership positions at their workplace or set up [...]


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Reader Story: Mistakes and Milestones, and Lessons Learned Along the Way

This guest post from Jen Bevel is part of the “reader stories” feature at Get Rich Slowly. Some stories contain general advice; others are examples of how a GRS reader achieved financial success — or failure. These stories feature folks from all levels of financial maturity and with all sorts of incomes. In just a [...]


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Instant decision loans ? financial help when you need it the most

Sometimes we need loans to fulfill our utmost requirements when we don’t have enough time to relax. There is an easy solution to it with instant decision loans which is planned to meet the urgent requirements. It can easily resolve the problems without having to wait till the next payday.
Instant decision loans also known as [...]


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New blog in Spanish is a 2 month old blog that might be of interest to�SocFinance readers that understand Spanish. Its main aim is to gather research on the economy developed in different disciplinary and methodological contexts, and it will be great if it becomes a useful flow of communication among researchers working in different Spanish-speaking places. �Its [...]


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Federal Loan Modification Plan For Unemployed Homeowners Offers Relief - Who Qualifies?

The Federal Treasury Department is offering loan modification help to the many homeowners who have found themselves unemployed due to the current recession and are at risk of losing their homes to foreclosure. Now, even if you are unemployed you may be able to get your mortgage payment drastically reduced to help you avoid foreclosure [...]


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Friday, February 18, 2011

Now Financing Car Is Easy With Business Car Finance

Cars are not only used for personal needs but they also serve businesses. Today most of the multinational companies provide cab facilities to its employees. And there are not just one or two cars they require, but a number of cars are needed by them. Not only the cars, but other vehicles are also used [...]


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Markets Inside the Ecological Revolution

Blog readers may be interested in the call for papers for a sub-theme on “Markets Inside the Ecological Revolution” at the 2011 EGOS Colloquium. The sub-theme is not SSF-centered but remains open to SSF-related topics: “At the time this subtheme abstract was being drafted, burning kerosene for academic purposes (e.g. getting to this conference by [...]


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The Cost of Love

This post is from staff writer April Dykman. Have you ever noticed all of the song lyrics about love and money? “No romance without finance…” “My love don’t cost a thing…” “Only boys who save their pennies, make my rainy day…” “Can’t buy me love…” Whether you side with Madonna or The Beatles on the [...]


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ZeroPercent Car Finance

Many of us have heard about this “zero percent car loans” or “0% car finance” deals all over the places what is it about them that attracts the customers? It is just that they are dangling carrots in front of the people? There are some really good online financing websites that do actually provide zero [...]


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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Unsecured Debt Relief

Debt can be the result of poor financial management but there are other reasons one might fall into debt such as the loss of a job or prolonged illness. Whatever the reason, finding a good unsecured debt relief program is critical if you are unable to pay back your debt.


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Oh Really? 5 Things Companies Assume About Customers, But Shouldn?t

They steal. They?re overgrown children. They only want a deal. Oh, the things companies think of us, their ?valued? customers!

The Cost of Love

This post is from staff writer April Dykman. Have you ever noticed all of the song lyrics about love and money? “No romance without finance…” “My love don’t cost a thing…” “Only boys who save their pennies, make my rainy day…” “Can’t buy me love…” Whether you side with Madonna or The Beatles on the [...]


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Unsecured Debt Relief

Debt can be the result of poor financial management but there are other reasons one might fall into debt such as the loss of a job or prolonged illness. Whatever the reason, finding a good unsecured debt relief program is critical if you are unable to pay back your debt.


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How To Save Money On Groceries

Coupons are a great way to save money on groceries. Usually once a week the stores in your geographical location will send you coupons. Most people just throw these coupons away. That is a waste of money. There is usually something in the coupon book that you are already going to buy. It is worth it to look through the coupon book. Do not just throw away money. Instead, save money on groceries.


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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

4 Common Financial Issues We Battle With Everyday

As a human being we encounter common financial issues all most every day. If you know how to handle these common financial issues then you will have an upper hand then many other people who tend to pulverized when it comes to face these common issues. Realize these common issues in yourself and take control [...]


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Does Commodity Inflation Matter?

Over the last few years, the US has worried about the perils of deflation (not inflation).� In fact, one of the goals of QE2 is to increase inflation expectations.� During this time, our inflation rate has been very low.� We tend to focus on ?core? inflation ? excluding food and energy. Even though we?ve had [...]


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How to Cope with Budget Blow-Ups

This is a guest post from Gail Vaz-Oxlade, the host of the popular Til Debt Do U$ Part on CNBC (Saturday nights at 10 and 10:30). Gail is a columnist for MoneySense, Chatelaine, and Zoomer Magazine and blogs daily at her website, where she also offers terrific tools people can use to dig themselves out [...]


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New blog in Spanish is a 2 month old blog that might be of interest to�SocFinance readers that understand Spanish. Its main aim is to gather research on the economy developed in different disciplinary and methodological contexts, and it will be great if it becomes a useful flow of communication among researchers working in different Spanish-speaking places. �Its [...]


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Placing your company in historical context

It's hard to know where we stand in history, but often it's worth taking an educated guess. In fact, your company's greatest asset may be the time in which you're born. By Alex Taussig, contributor (I originally published this at my blog��Go check it out!) I've been reading Harvard Business School Dean Nitin Nohria's latest [...]


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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Tiger Mother and You: Are We Preparing Our Kids for a Better Financial Future?

This is a guest post from Robert Brokamp of The Motley Fool. Robert is a Certified Financial Planner and the adviser for The Motley Fool?s Rule Your Retirement service. He contributes one new article to Get Rich Slowly every two weeks. Those of you who are parents — and those of you who came from [...]


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Credit Card Settlement Is It For You

Uncontrolled credit card debt has forced many consumers to opt for credit card settlement as a means of breaking free from the stranglehold of debt.� Faced with stark reality of spiraling card payments, many are looking for a less painful way out as they realize that it might take as much as 10 to 15 [...]


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Common IT Fumbles with GRC

GRC typically is considered the CFO?s problem since most of the issues revolve around SOX and other financial regulations. IT, however, plays a central role in the GRC process.
According to a recent Gartner Magic Quadrant report GRC itself is undergoing a big transition. As Gartner notes: The enterprise GRC platform market has expanded from a [...]


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Analytics Can Answer, ?Why Can?t ??

Are you as curious as I am about why these questions have not been solved?
? Why can?t traffic intersection stoplights be more variable based on street sensors that monitor the presence, location, and speed of approaching vehicles? Then you would not have to impatiently wait at a red light when there [...]


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