Saturday, April 30, 2011

Petition for Sustainable Banking

Blog readers may be interested by the following petition (an initiative from BankTrack, Friends of the Earth, and other NGOs): “Deep sea oil, dirty coal mining, obsolete nuclear plants, arms trade, human rights abuses ? your bank could be financing environmentally and socially destructive businesses. It doesn?t have to be that way. In July [...]

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Free Round-Trip Tickets with British Airways Card (or, J.D. Discovers Travel Hacking)

Yesterday, I met with a group of local Portland bloggers to plan for world domination. Over the past year, we’ve met regularly to organize an upcoming conference for readers of Chris Guillebeau’s The Art of Non-Conformity. Usually our conversation is focused on gift bags and tour groups and the absolute racket that is event catering. [...]

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U.S. debt: riskier than Bulgaria's?

Think the debate about U.S. creditworthiness can't get any sillier? Guess again. A week after Standard & Poor's finally told us what we already knew, that the U.S. fiscal fiasco is in danger of spinning out of control, along comes Weiss Ratings of Jupiter, Fla., to reaffirm we can't max out our national credit cards [...]

mortgage loans accounting accountant CPA

Commentary on Gas Prices in the Near Future

With the recent soar in gas prices, I feel compelled to contact my readers and urge them to take action against the oil companies. Goldman Sachs has put out a recent estimation that the price for a barrel of crude oil could reach as high as $200. Currently the price is somewhere around $120 per [...]

CPA finance mortgage loans accounting

A Quick Update on My Recent Real Estate Investing Activities

I don’t have a whole lot of time today to share with you all that is happening (I have a couple of real estate appointments setup for later today), but I wanted to give you a quick update. I was able to successfully remove a slow/non-paying tenant out of one of my investment properties. A [...]

finance mortgage loans accounting accountant

Friday, April 29, 2011

4 Basic Tips for Getting a Mortgage

I wanted to give y’all some basic tips to financing that home you’ve been wanting to buy. Getting a mortgage these days is not quite as easy as it used to be. With the fallout of the sub-prime loan market, banks are getting back to the basics in lending, i.e. people with strong credit, some [...]

loans accounting accountant CPA finance

Motorcycle Gas Mileage: A Simple Payback Calculator

I have put feelers out there, but as of yet, I don’t have any solid leads on obtaining a motorcycle. But as you know from my Motorcycle Gas Mileage article, not only can you save a lot of money getting a motorcycle, but you learned how highly I esteem the Honda brand of vehicles (that [...]

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A Review for ? Grooming the Next Generation for Success

The Lowest Price we could find is $16.99 $6.93 Raise successful kids today! You can raise successful kids who mature into successful adults by using the right grooming techniques. It s easy and helps parents become more successful too! Mother of five and successful entrepreneur Dani Johnson has coached and mentored tens of thousands of clients [...]

accounting accountant CPA finance mortgage

How to Grow Your First Garden

This guest post is from Jane Sanders of DebtManagement, a writer whose two biggest passions are gardening and personal finance. Starting a vegetable garden can be one of the most rewarding hobbies you ever pursue. Gardening is a source of relaxation and exercise, while yielding hundreds of dollars worth of fresh and delicious produce. It’s [...]

CPA finance mortgage loans accounting

Petition for Sustainable Banking

Blog readers may be interested by the following petition (an initiative from BankTrack, Friends of the Earth, and other NGOs): “Deep sea oil, dirty coal mining, obsolete nuclear plants, arms trade, human rights abuses ? your bank could be financing environmentally and socially destructive businesses. It doesn?t have to be that way. In July [...]

accounting accountant CPA finance mortgage

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Ask the Readers: Should We Rent or Should We Buy?

Is it better to rent or buy? We’ve discussed this age-old housing question several times in the past, but it’s always been on a theoretical level. Sometimes what seems simple in theory is tougher to figure out when you have to make a decision in Real Life. That’s the case for Erik, who dropped a [...]

finance mortgage loans accounting accountant

Franck Cochoy @ Goldsmiths, March 16th

A very last minute notification of an event tomorrow at Goldsmiths which might interest some readers of this blog: A presentation by Professor Franck Cochoy CERTOP, University of Toulouse ‘The curious marketing fate of human curiosity: Technologizing consumers? inner states to build market attachments’ Wednesday March 16th, 4-6pm Goldsmiths, University of London Richard Hoggart Building, [...]

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Washington's debt ceiling terrorists

Not everyone is persuaded that cooler heads will prevail before Washington hoists itself by its debt ceiling petard. When he hasn't been calling the whole mess�ridiculous,�Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner has�been saying lately he is confident Republicans will increase the debt ceiling. That is, as you know, legislative artifact that gives the leading lights in Congress [...]

mortgage loans accounting accountant CPA

Convenient Online Auto Insurance Quote

Using an online auto insurance quote is the easiest way to get a good policy at the best premium rates. Not only will you get great protection from highly rated insurers, but you will pay the lowest premium possible too. This is how it works. The website requests quotes from the major companies then you can choose the best deal for you. It save time and money. You do not need to use a sales agent since you will purchase directly from the insurer.

accountant CPA finance mortgage loans

Using cash advance loans during emergencies

Do you need extra cash till your next payday? Its very easy to apply for one online payday loan and get approved for it. If you need an extra $100 or $1000 before your next payday comes, getting an online payday loan is the easiest way to meet your financial requirements. Online payday loan companies [...]

loans accounting accountant CPA finance

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Investing in a House These Days Is Prudent if Real Estate Values Grow

Buying a house is a major financial decision that must be viewed from many perspectives to determine if the timing is right, if the investment is prudent, and if the Buyer is financially capable of fulfilling his potentially long-term obligations. Assuming the Buyer is qualified, the investment decision then hinges upon the condition of [...]

accountant CPA finance mortgage loans

Helpful tips on how to avoid Foreclosures

Nobody plans it thus nobody wants it to happen. Just like unwanted events in family life, losing the house is considered as the most dreadful. Home foreclosure is the last thing you want because this entails auction of the property to recover the investment made by the lender. But it’s not always enough to cover [...]

loans accounting accountant CPA finance

Spare Change: Twilight Edition

I haven’t read (or seen) Twilight, but Forbes magazine thinks the fictional characters in that universe have read Get Rich Slowly! According to a recent Forbes slideshow listing the richest characters in fiction, Carlisle Cullen (who is apparently a billionaire vampire) is a huge fan of Get Rich Slowly. This may or may not be [...]

accounting accountant CPA finance mortgage

Business Heavy Hitters Considering All Options for Cutting Debt, Including Raising Taxes

The Committee for Economic Development (CED), a non-profit, non-partisan public policy organization composed largely of current and retired business execs ? members of its executive committee cite affiliations with Bausch & Lomb, Grant Thornton, and McKinsey & Company, Inc., among others ? issued a Business Statement on the Nation?s Health late last week. In it, [...]

finance mortgage loans accounting accountant

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Can you measure market fear?

Donald MacKenzie is again in the news. A recent article by Gillian Tett draws on MacKenzie’s work to make sense of the recent success of a sophisticated financial instrument. (Thanks to Martha Poon, illustrious ex-blogger, for the lead.) Tett’s article asks fundamental questions about the recent success of the Vix index, a proprietary product of [...]

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Debt consolidation ? Three worst moves

?If you really need a loan, it’s probably because you’ve already missed a few payments and your credit history has gone for toss. ?The Hard-Money Loan? However the important thing about debt-consolidation loans is that they are easy to get, provided you have not messed with your credit score. This advice is given by many [...]

accounting accountant CPA finance mortgage

9 pricey software products and their free (and legal) alternatives

Photo: iStockphoto When was the last time you dropped $200 on software? A clever geek might tell you ?never.?Getting free software doesn?t have to mean stealing. The past decade of open-source software culture, along with today?s app economy, has yielded a plethora of fantastic alternatives to traditionally expensive software solutions. Often, free software is every ...

loans accounting accountant CPA finance

Get Your Property Management Deals in Writing, Up Front!

Continuing on the theme that I was writing about in my last article, I wanted to give you a specific example that happened to me just last week in property management. A friend on mine that I manage property for referred me to one his friends to help him get his property leased. This man [...]

accountant CPA finance mortgage loans

S&P: Why we downgraded our U.S. outlook

How does the rating agency decide when to downgrade its outlook for sovereign debt? It turns out that politics does influence the decision. Nikola Swann knew that he would be thrust into the firestorm raging in Washington D.C. over America's growing debt burden. Swann is the analyst at Standard & Poor's who monitors the United [...]

CPA finance mortgage loans accounting

Monday, April 25, 2011

Reader Story: How I Learned About Frugality from De-Cluttering

This guest post from Claire Brown is part of the “reader stories” feature at Get Rich Slowly. Some stories contain general advice; others are examples of how a GRS reader achieved financial success — or failure. These stories feature folks from all levels of financial maturity and with all sorts of incomes. I?m writing to [...]

CPA finance mortgage loans accounting

Rebalancing in Real Life

Earlier today, Robert Brokamp wrote about the importance of rebalancing your investment portfolio. Over time, as your various investments rise and fall, your actual asset allocation drifts from your intended asset allocation, slowly pulling you away from your investment goals. I’ve recently been working to rebalance my own investment portfolio, so I thought it might [...]

accounting accountant CPA finance mortgage

Blackstone blows out earnings

The Blackstone Group�(BX)�this morning reported its best quarterly earnings since going public four years ago. Second straight quarter they've done that. The headline number is $568 million in "economic net income," up 10.7% from $513 million in Q4 2010 and 58% from $360 million in Q1 2010.�Adjusted ENI was 51 cents per share, above analyst [...]

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Microsoft Windows on a Mainframe?Can It Help Your Business

Earlier this month IBM published a general statement of direction that essentially said the zEnterprise, its latest mainframe, will run Windows later this year. The announcement reads, in part, ?IBM intends to offer select IBM System x blades running Microsoft Windows in the IBM zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension Model 002.?
The IBM zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension Model 002 [...]

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High Frequency Trading and techno-political path dependency

Warning: there is quite a lot of geek-speak in this post. But, no apologies: SSF is, after all, rooted in Science and Technology Studies.   There is quite a lot of talk lately, especially since the Flash Crash of May 6 last year,� about the potential risks of high frequency trading. However, the sociological dimensions [...]

finance mortgage loans accounting accountant

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Can Cloud Computing Cross the Chasm?

When IT people talk about technology “crossing the chasm” they’re referring to Geoffrey Moore?s book of the same title, which describes what it takes for a technology to be ready for mainstream prime time. Technologists have been talking about cloud computing in one form or another for a decade, but until it crosses the chasm, [...]

mortgage loans accounting accountant CPA

Wealth Management

So you want a shot at being in management? Maybe you think that you can do a better job than your boss. You see them for their faults, and see yourself for your strengths. Well, I can?t tell you how to get promoted, but maybe I can help you with your humility and show you ways to save money and manage your wealth.

accountant CPA finance mortgage loans

ACCA and MBA Degree For a Reasonable Price Tips From Program Advisors

Holders of ACCA and MBA diplomas are highly regarded qualified specialists, therefore, many of them occupy key positions in industry. However, ACCA as well as MBA education is quite costly. ACCA (Association of Charted Certified Accountants) is one of the world’s leading, fastest-growing and globally recognised accountancy organisations founded in 1904. ACCA is an accounting [...]

accounting accountant CPA finance mortgage

0 Percent Down Car Loans For Bad Credit 5 Ways To Save

There are so many things you can do to decrease the amount of your monthly auto loan payments. This is especially true if you are still shopping for a loan but have not taken one out yet. What most auto dealers and lenders do not tell you is that you have a lot of choices [...]

accountant CPA finance mortgage loans

Are you dealing with Unlicensed Payday Lenders?

When looking for loans money borrowers should be aware of loan sharks. Loan sharks are a bunch of unscrupulous money lenders who are constantly on the look out for vulnerable borrowers who are desperately looking for some source of money to help them out in their time of financial crisis. They are illegal, unlicensed money [...]

mortgage loans accounting accountant CPA

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Spare Change: Turtles vs. Rabbits Edition

Blarg! The deadline for this year’s video contest was Sunday night, but we may have run into some technical difficulties. Some folks are reporting that their submissions were reported as “received”, but they’re not showing up in the pool of contest entries. This is Not Good. If you submitted an entry to the video contest, [...]

mortgage loans accounting accountant CPA

Grocery shopping in the wild: A beginner?s guide to foraging

Think of it as the ultimate cheap way to eat local: enjoying the wild plants growing in your yard, nearby parks, forests and other green spaces.

accountant CPA finance mortgage loans

High Frequency Trading and techno-political path dependency

Warning: there is quite a lot of geek-speak in this post. But, no apologies: SSF is, after all, rooted in Science and Technology Studies.   There is quite a lot of talk lately, especially since the Flash Crash of May 6 last year,� about the potential risks of high frequency trading. However, the sociological dimensions [...]

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Spare Change: Cockeyed Edition

Last week, I wrote about the dismal odds you face when trying to play the lottery. That article included a lottery simulator built by the GRS technical elves, a widget inspired by the lottery simulator over at Cockeyed. I’ve mentioned Cockeyed several times over the years. It’s awesome. Cockeyed is the home of Rob Cockerham [...]

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Identifying Where Fraud Takes Root

“The recent economic downturn has provided new opportunities for fraudulent financial reporting,” writes Timothy Hedley in Managing the Risk of Fraud and Misconduct (McGraw Hill, 2011), a new book he co-authored with KPMG colleague Richard Girgenti.
The co-authors’ combined fraud risk management experience totals nearly seven decades, and they have created an extremely detailed book that [...]

accountant CPA finance mortgage loans

Friday, April 22, 2011

Investing in a House These Days Is Prudent if Real Estate Values Grow

Buying a house is a major financial decision that must be viewed from many perspectives to determine if the timing is right, if the investment is prudent, and if the Buyer is financially capable of fulfilling his potentially long-term obligations. Assuming the Buyer is qualified, the investment decision then hinges upon the condition of [...]

mortgage loans accounting accountant CPA

Property Rehabbing: Tips to Protect Yourself

Well, here we are again, with me giving you information on how I am getting burned, so that you won’t get burned. Just last week, while working on an addition for one of the duplexes we have, we had some materials and tools walk off the job site. Now, understand that I am in Belton, [...]

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We Have Enough Liquidity

One of my favorite speakers, Dallas Fed President Richard Fisher, gave a speech on Friday, titled ?Is America?s Decline Exaggerated or Inevitable? The Role of Monetary and Fiscal Policy.?� As usual, he didn?t disappoint.� Here’s the�link. Here are his key thoughts (most of which are direct quotes, but some are paraphrased). The Big Picture 1.���� [...]

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What if the Government Shut Down and No One Noticed?

For now, it appears that a shutdown of the federal government has been averted. However, if one were to happen, what impact would it have? According to many of those responding to a recent survey by John K. Paglia, Associate Professor of Finance at Pepperdine University, not much. In fact, just under half of the [...]

accounting accountant CPA finance mortgage

Thursday, April 21, 2011

GRS Video Contest Update

Time is winding down on the 2011 Get Rich Slowly Video Contest. For a while, I was worried that nobody was going to play along. But digging through the archives, I see that last year we had a similar entry pattern: We only had five entries in the first few weeks, but the videos poured [...]

accounting accountant CPA finance mortgage

The Top 10 Billionaires in the World

According to Forbes, two new records have been made this year 2011:
1) Total number of Billionaires (1210) and
2) combined wealth of them ($4.5 trillion).
The new comers to the list are mainly from Brazil, Russia, India and China. The most surprising is that Bill Gates now moved to the 2nd position and the person who has [...]

accounting accountant CPA finance mortgage

Shocking News!

Leaving no stone unturned, the super-analysts of S&P uncovered problems with the US fiscal situation.� Unafraid to take drastic action, they left the US debt rating at AAA, but stated that the outlook was negative.� (In a separate report this week, they announced that the outlook for John McCain?s 2008 presidential bid had also turned [...]

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Can Cloud Computing Cross the Chasm?

When IT people talk about technology “crossing the chasm” they’re referring to Geoffrey Moore?s book of the same title, which describes what it takes for a technology to be ready for mainstream prime time. Technologists have been talking about cloud computing in one form or another for a decade, but until it crosses the chasm, [...]

mortgage loans accounting accountant CPA

4 Basic Tips for Getting a Mortgage

I wanted to give y’all some basic tips to financing that home you’ve been wanting to buy. Getting a mortgage these days is not quite as easy as it used to be. With the fallout of the sub-prime loan market, banks are getting back to the basics in lending, i.e. people with strong credit, some [...]

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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

4 Basic Tips for Getting a Mortgage

I wanted to give y’all some basic tips to financing that home you’ve been wanting to buy. Getting a mortgage these days is not quite as easy as it used to be. With the fallout of the sub-prime loan market, banks are getting back to the basics in lending, i.e. people with strong credit, some [...]

finance mortgage loans accounting accountant

Market Update ? April 6, 2011

I read two really interesting editorials this past week.� Here?s a quick summary of some key points:   ?We’ve Become a Nation of Takers, Not Makers? ? WSJ by Stephen Moore 1.���� There are nearly twice as many people in the US that work for the government (22.5 million) than in all of manufacturing (11.5 [...]

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Ask the Readers: A Fool and His Money?

It’s April Fool’s Day, one of my favorite days of the year at Get Rich Slowly. It’s the day I get to share the story of some foolish thing I’ve done with money in the past. This year, though, April Fool’s Day falls on a Friday, which is when I traditionally field reader questions. So, [...]

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Can you measure market fear?

Donald MacKenzie is again in the news. A recent article by Gillian Tett draws on MacKenzie’s work to make sense of the recent success of a sophisticated financial instrument. (Thanks to Martha Poon, illustrious ex-blogger, for the lead.) Tett’s article asks fundamental questions about the recent success of the Vix index, a proprietary product of [...]

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11 Tips for Maximizing Your Healthcare Deductions

Photo: Jasleen Kaur With healthcare costs rising, and companies passing more of the burden onto employees, expect out-of-pocket medical expenses to continue ballooning.� The good news is that there is a way to ease the pain if you are taking on a lot of expenses yourself. ��It?s time to check your bills and insurance claims ...

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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Best of Get Rich Slowly: March 2011

Whew! For the first time in three months, I’m not feeling stressed about work. I’m caught up on blog posts, my articles for other sites are written, and I don’t have any other pressing tasks. I love being able to take long vacations to other continents, but the preparation and clean-up for these trips is [...]

finance mortgage loans accounting accountant

4 Basic Tips for Getting a Mortgage

I wanted to give y’all some basic tips to financing that home you’ve been wanting to buy. Getting a mortgage these days is not quite as easy as it used to be. With the fallout of the sub-prime loan market, banks are getting back to the basics in lending, i.e. people with strong credit, some [...]

CPA finance mortgage loans accounting

Executive MBA Education for Working Professionals

If you’re a working professional and looking for an education program that provide new growth avenues without sacrificing your current job, then administrative MBA education is for you. It allows working professionals to earn a master’s degree in Business Administration. The best part of executive programs is that they don’t restrict your current occupation. This [...]

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Four Objectives for Effective GRC

While reading the book “Managing the Risk of Fraud and Misconduct: Meeting the Challenges of a Global, Regulated and Digital Environment” (McGraw-Hill, 2011), I came across an official rundown of what an effective governance, risk management and compliance (GRC) framework should accomplish, according to co-authors Timothy Hedley and Richard Girgenti:

Protect and enhance business value [...]


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Spare Change: Twilight Edition

I haven’t read (or seen) Twilight, but Forbes magazine thinks the fictional characters in that universe have read Get Rich Slowly! According to a recent Forbes slideshow listing the richest characters in fiction, Carlisle Cullen (who is apparently a billionaire vampire) is a huge fan of Get Rich Slowly. This may or may not be [...]


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Monday, April 18, 2011

Earning, Spending, and Saving: The Building Blocks of Personal Finance

Note: This article is part of Financial Literacy Month at Get Rich Slowly. A couple of weeks ago, Robert Brokamp explained how living below your means is like saving for retirement twice. On the surface, his advice was pretty conventional: The more you save today, the more you’ll have tomorrow. This is similar to a [...]


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Market Update ? April 6, 2011

I read two really interesting editorials this past week.� Here?s a quick summary of some key points:   ?We’ve Become a Nation of Takers, Not Makers? ? WSJ by Stephen Moore 1.���� There are nearly twice as many people in the US that work for the government (22.5 million) than in all of manufacturing (11.5 [...]


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Deal Scorecard: IPOs and M&A Zoom in First Quarter

When it comes to initial public offerings (IPOs) and mergers and acquisitions (M&A), the first three months of the year have been busy. The value of U.S. IPOs nearly tripled from the first quarter of 2010, topping $12 billion, PwC reports. Similarly, U.S. mergers and acquisitions jumped 85 percent, to $268.4 billion, according to mergermarket.
The [...]


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VC investments: Boston vs. New York

I keep hearing about how regional battles over venture capital funding don't matter. How Silicon Valley and New York and Boston all have important roles to play in the entrepreneurial ecosystem, and how territorial battles are anachronistic pissing contests from the days when VCs only would invest within a dozen miles of their office. How [...]


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Upcoming talk: Financial Communication and the sovereign crisis at Goodenough College, London

Of late, I’ve grown very interested in the problem of financial communication. Unlike other recent financial bubbles, the European sovereign crisis has cast the spotlight on government responses to the capital markets — and in the government messages that elicited such response. But understanding the crisis thus calls for a combined of political and financial [...]


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Sunday, April 17, 2011

What ZipCar's IPO means for car-sharing

Car-sharing company ZipCar (ZIP)�is expected to hit the public markets later this week, after some fits and starts caused by anti-trust issues in Britain. It would have an initial market cap of approximately $618 million, were it to price its IPO at the high end of its proposed $14-$16 per share range. [Update: Company�raised around [...]


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The GRS Garden Project: March 2011 Update

Welcome to the GRS Garden Project. Every month, my wife and I track how much time and money we spend growing food. This is the report for March 2011. (Here are the results for 2008 and the results for 2009. We rested in 2010.) March is usually a time for Kris and me to get [...]


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Investing in a House These Days Is Prudent if Real Estate Values Grow

Buying a house is a major financial decision that must be viewed from many perspectives to determine if the timing is right, if the investment is prudent, and if the Buyer is financially capable of fulfilling his potentially long-term obligations. Assuming the Buyer is qualified, the investment decision then hinges upon the condition of [...]


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How to Make Money Online - Magic Trick


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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Zoom, zoom: Zipcar is a $1 billion company!

No profits, no problem. Car-sharing service Zipcar (ZIP) is having a huge first day on the public markets, with its stock climbing 70% above its $18 per share IPO price at one point. As of last check, the shares were at around $28.58, which puts the Cambridge, Mass.-based company's market cap at a whopping $1.1 [...]


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Important information before closing your bank account due to ACH withdrawals by the payday loan companies

Before you close your bank account due to payday loans eating away at your paycheck, please read this.
There are several banks with different policy regarding ach transaction so it is better to go in person and talk to the branch manager. Ask your bank what their policy is on ach transactions on closed accounts before [...]


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FDIC chafes at foreclosure half-measures

Think Washington is going soft on the banks again? You have company — at the FDIC, no less. The three primary federal bank regulators — the Federal Reserve, the Office of Thrift Supervision and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency — issued enforcement actions Wednesday that order the biggest U.S. banks to clean [...]


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How To Save Money On Groceries

Coupons are a great way to save money on groceries. Usually once a week the stores in your geographical location will send you coupons. Most people just throw these coupons away. That is a waste of money. There is usually something in the coupon book that you are already going to buy. It is worth it to look through the coupon book. Do not just throw away money. Instead, save money on groceries.


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Reader Story: Saving the American Way?and the Bulgarian Way

This guest post from Rya is part of the “reader stories” feature at Get Rich Slowly. Some stories contain general advice; others are examples of how a GRS reader achieved financial success — or failure. These stories feature folks from all levels of financial maturity and with all sorts of incomes. Rya writes a Bulgarian [...]


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Friday, April 15, 2011

Upcoming talk: Financial Communication and the sovereign crisis at Goodenough College, London

Of late, I’ve grown very interested in the problem of financial communication. Unlike other recent financial bubbles, the European sovereign crisis has cast the spotlight on government responses to the capital markets — and in the government messages that elicited such response. But understanding the crisis thus calls for a combined of political and financial [...]


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Debt consolidation ? Three worst moves

?If you really need a loan, it’s probably because you’ve already missed a few payments and your credit history has gone for toss. ?The Hard-Money Loan? However the important thing about debt-consolidation loans is that they are easy to get, provided you have not messed with your credit score. This advice is given by many [...]


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Are you dealing with Unlicensed Payday Lenders?

When looking for loans money borrowers should be aware of loan sharks. Loan sharks are a bunch of unscrupulous money lenders who are constantly on the look out for vulnerable borrowers who are desperately looking for some source of money to help them out in their time of financial crisis. They are illegal, unlicensed money [...]


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Zoom, zoom: Zipcar is a $1 billion company!

No profits, no problem. Car-sharing service Zipcar (ZIP) is having a huge first day on the public markets, with its stock climbing 70% above its $18 per share IPO price at one point. As of last check, the shares were at around $28.58, which puts the Cambridge, Mass.-based company's market cap at a whopping $1.1 [...]


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Using cash advance loans during emergencies

Do you need extra cash till your next payday? Its very easy to apply for one online payday loan and get approved for it. If you need an extra $100 or $1000 before your next payday comes, getting an online payday loan is the easiest way to meet your financial requirements. Online payday loan companies [...]


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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Slow recovery keeps on truckin'

The economy may not be as vulnerable to $110 oil as you might imagine. That's one message out of the latest Ceridian-UCLA Pulse of Commerce Index. The index rose 2.7% in March, wiping out declines in the first two months of 2011 and suggesting a modest economic recovery remains on track, in spite of the [...]


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The Lottery: An ?Investment? for Fools (with Bonus Lottery Simulator!)

Over the years, I’ve done some foolish things with my finances. I’ve squandered money on comic books. I’ve speculated on risky stocks, hoping to make a quick fortune. I’ve paid a gazillion dollars — or something close to it — in credit-card interest and bank fees. I spent large windfalls on the latest technological gadgets. [...]


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Looking to Try Your Hand at Stocks?

Considering investing your money in the stock market, but don?t want to invest hundreds or thousands of dollars into stocks that you know nothing about? Let?s face it, investing in the stock market is risky, and for those of us without a lot of extra money lying around, potentially tying up hundreds or thousands of [...]


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3 Overlooked Risks in Benefits Programs

A benefits program is an investment ? and that’s a concept that some organizations don’t fully appreciate, according to Brian Lindenberg, a senior partner with Mercer.
?Risk management is often overlooked as a priority with respect to employee benefits programs,? Lindenberg reports in this CMA Magazine article.
To help risk managers and benefits managers better address this [...]


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FDIC chafes at foreclosure half-measures

Think Washington is going soft on the banks again? You have company — at the FDIC, no less. The three primary federal bank regulators — the Federal Reserve, the Office of Thrift Supervision and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency — issued enforcement actions Wednesday that order the biggest U.S. banks to clean [...]


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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Value of Virtualization: 4 Steps to More Cost-Effective IT

To most CFOs, the IT function is a cost center to be minimized. Gartner Data Center conference attendees in December reportedly overflowed a session on reducing data center costs. An audience poll at the session showed that about 20 percent of the audience had no IT cost accounting in place at all, and over half [...]


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Getting The Most From Your Charitable Deductions

This post is from staff writer Sierra Black. Sierra writes about frugality, sustainable living, and raising children at Charitable deductions can be a complex and confusing area of your tax return. Understanding what you can deduct and what you can’t deduct can be confusing. Documenting it properly adds yet another layer of difficulty. To [...]


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We Have Enough Liquidity

One of my favorite speakers, Dallas Fed President Richard Fisher, gave a speech on Friday, titled ?Is America?s Decline Exaggerated or Inevitable? The Role of Monetary and Fiscal Policy.?� As usual, he didn?t disappoint.� Here’s the�link. Here are his key thoughts (most of which are direct quotes, but some are paraphrased). The Big Picture 1.���� [...]


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Petition for Sustainable Banking

Blog readers may be interested by the following petition (an initiative from BankTrack, Friends of the Earth, and other NGOs): “Deep sea oil, dirty coal mining, obsolete nuclear plants, arms trade, human rights abuses ? your bank could be financing environmentally and socially destructive businesses. It doesn?t have to be that way. In July [...]


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Helpful tips on how to avoid Foreclosures

Nobody plans it thus nobody wants it to happen. Just like unwanted events in family life, losing the house is considered as the most dreadful. Home foreclosure is the last thing you want because this entails auction of the property to recover the investment made by the lender. But it’s not always enough to cover [...]


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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Value of Virtualization: 4 Steps to More Cost-Effective IT

To most CFOs, the IT function is a cost center to be minimized. Gartner Data Center conference attendees in December reportedly overflowed a session on reducing data center costs. An audience poll at the session showed that about 20 percent of the audience had no IT cost accounting in place at all, and over half [...]


accounting accountant CPA finance mortgage loans accounting accountant CPA finance

Personal Financial Planning

The economy is still trying to recover from the worst meltdown since the Great Depression and now more than ever it may be helpful to introduce some personal financial planning into your life. It is understandable that you may be reluctant about investing either time or resources, but if your personal financial goals are to be reached then you will need to make it happen.


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