Thursday, March 31, 2011

Save on Gas with Auto Maintenance

This post is from staff writer April Dykman. I’m awful at maintaining my vehicles. Spectacularly bad. I have always relied on someone else to take care of oil changes, check tire pressure, and whatever else cars need to have done on a regular basis. When it rains, I congratulate myself for having washed the car. [...]


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Franck Cochoy @ Goldsmiths, March 16th

A very last minute notification of an event tomorrow at Goldsmiths which might interest some readers of this blog: A presentation by Professor Franck Cochoy CERTOP, University of Toulouse ‘The curious marketing fate of human curiosity: Technologizing consumers? inner states to build market attachments’ Wednesday March 16th, 4-6pm Goldsmiths, University of London Richard Hoggart Building, [...]


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Gross calls U.S. budget a Greek tragedy

Bond manager Bill Gross says he is "confident" the United States will effectively default on its debt unless Congress takes an ax to retirement and healthcare spending. Gross runs Pimco, the $1.2 trillion investment manager that has spent recent months selling Treasury bonds, citing their low yields and poor prospects. He explains in his monthly [...]


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A Quick and Easy Way to Check the Status of Your Tax Refund

This morning I posted my annual review of the Consumer Reports auto issue. Now might be a good time to publish another annual reminder: It’s tax refund season! If you have a refund due this year and you’re getting antsy for it, you can check its status easily with this simple web-based tool from the [...]


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Is Principal Reduction the Solution?

  We continue to have a weak housing market.� Some commentators have suggested that we could speed up the housing recovery by reducing the principal on underwater loans.� Three Fed economists (Chris Foote, Kris Gerardi and Paul Willen) just wrote a short piece called, ?The Seductive But Flawed Logic of Principal Reduction.?� They attacked the [...]


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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Upcoming talk: Financial Communication and the sovereign crisis at Goodenough College, London

Of late, I’ve grown very interested in the problem of financial communication. Unlike other recent financial bubbles, the European sovereign crisis has cast the spotlight on government responses to the capital markets — and in the government messages that elicited such response. But understanding the crisis thus calls for a combined of political and financial [...]


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Dear Mr. Bernanke, Press conferences are a bad idea.

Why Ben Bernanke may come to regret his decision to make the Federal Reserve more transparent. I'm all in favor of us plain old citizens getting some idea of what our government is doing. But I've got a really bad feeling about Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke's plan to make the Fed more "transparent" by holding [...]


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Is Principal Reduction the Solution?

  We continue to have a weak housing market.� Some commentators have suggested that we could speed up the housing recovery by reducing the principal on underwater loans.� Three Fed economists (Chris Foote, Kris Gerardi and Paul Willen) just wrote a short piece called, ?The Seductive But Flawed Logic of Principal Reduction.?� They attacked the [...]


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IT Outsourcing: A Treasure Trove of Metrics

The global IT outsourcing market isn?t growing as fast as it has in the past. Still, an IDC report published last year predicted that it will expand at a five-year CAGR of 2.9 percent, reaching $128.4 billion in 2014.
The slowness probably results from the prolonged economic distress and the growth of options such us cloud [...]


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Is Goldman getting top heavy?

The�inner circle at Goldman Sachs� is as crowded as it has ever been. Is�a shakeout at hand? You might think it is after reading a report Tuesday from the New York Times, which points out that Goldman's (GS) partners sold $108 million of stock in December and January. That's up 42% from their sales in [...]


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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Helpful tips on how to avoid Foreclosures

Nobody plans it thus nobody wants it to happen. Just like unwanted events in family life, losing the house is considered as the most dreadful. Home foreclosure is the last thing you want because this entails auction of the property to recover the investment made by the lender. But it’s not always enough to cover [...]


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Hey entrepreneurs: Great chance to sharpen your VC pitch

If you are an entrepreneur looking to get in some test runs before meeting with real-life VCs -- and your dog doesn't provide adequate feedback --�you should consider presenting next month at the VCIC Finals in Chapel Hill. For the uninitiated, VCIC is a competition in which teams of b-school students form "VC firms." They [...]


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Why publicly-traded PE stocks scare me, and other thoughts on the Apollo IPO

Apollo Global Management is expected to price its IPO tonight, becoming the first private equity firm to go public since The Blackstone Group in June 2007. While we wait to see if Apollo can hit its upper target of $500 million, a bunch of related notes: * No, the KKR "IPO" didn't count. It was [...]


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College Is a Big, Fat, Hairy Rip-Off! (But Save for It Anyway)

This is a guest post from Robert Brokamp of The Motley Fool. Robert is a Certified Financial Planner and the adviser for The Motley Fool?s Rule Your Retirement service. He also has a newly reinvigorated blog, and you can have your day interrupted once or twice by his Twittering. Robert contributes one new article to [...]


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Monday, March 28, 2011

Review: Punching Out: One Year in a Closing Auto Plant

The Lowest Price we could find is $25.95 $11.76 An elegyangry, funny, and powerfully detailedabout the slow death of a Detroit auto plant and an American way of life. How does a country dismantle a centurys worth of its industrial heritage? To answer that question, Paul Clemens investigates the 2006 closing of one of Americas most [...]


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Vacation Travel On A Budget

Have you ever stopped to wonder why tourist traps exist? It?s because tourists are known for wasting money. You can be an exception to the rule; you can travel on a budget.


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Renters Insurance: A Wise Consideration

Many people do not have renters insurance because they either do not know it is available or they feel it is not needed because they do not own the property or dwelling in they reside. Yet, owning renters insurance can be a godsend in the event of any number of hazards. Those who live in apartment complexes have no control over how their neighbors or other tenants live.


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Silicon Valley exec hit with insider trading charges

At least Raj was (allegedly) trading on information about someone else's deals... The Securities and Exchange Commission today accused Mark Duffell, a former consultant to private equity firm Accel-KKR, of buying 65,000 shares of stock in Silicon Valley software company SumTotal Systems, while simultaneously engaging in talks to acquire SumTotal on Accel-KKR's behalf. Not only [...]


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Can you measure market fear?

Donald MacKenzie is again in the news. A recent article by Gillian Tett draws on MacKenzie’s work to make sense of the recent success of a sophisticated financial instrument. (Thanks to Martha Poon, illustrious ex-blogger, for the lead.) Tett’s article asks fundamental questions about the recent success of the Vix index, a proprietary product of [...]


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Sunday, March 27, 2011

?The Greatest Threat to the Economy?

I just read a great speech, given last week, by Kansas City Fed President, Thomas Hoenig.� The speech was called, ?Financial Reform: Post Crisis??�� You should read this summary and ask yourself if it concerns you when one of our Fed bank presidents things that the existence of too-big-to-fail banks is the biggest threat to [...]


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You know what's cool to Apax Partners? ?9 billion!

Ok, maybe Europe's mega-buyout market is a lot healthier than a lot of us thought after the implosion of Candover and stock-related struggles at Permira. Multiple sources tell Term Sheet that Apax Partners has told investors that it plans to target ?9 billion for its next Europe-focused buyout fund. It would be the most ambitious [...]


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Cherry Blossoms and Free Museums: Washington D.C. On a Budget

The National Cherry Blossom Festival runs from March 26 ? April 10, 2011, and provides a nifty excuse to visit the nation?s capital. With a bit of pre-planning, you can stay on budget and still enjoy all the city has to offer.

Optimism About the Deficit

Spring Break in Austin.� Can?t beat it!� I wanted to send you a quick summary of an�interesting article from Monday?s Wall Street Journal.� The authors (Janet Hook and Naftali Bendavid) argue that there are several reasons why we should be more optimistic about the conversation about the budget deficit.� Here are their thoughts (these are [...]


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Market Update ? March 4

You should really consider reading Kyle Bass? letter to his investors.� Here?s the�link (and if you click on this link, you?ll see a place where you can read the letter as well as a small link that allows you to download the pdf).� Kyle Bass is the managing partner of Hayman Capital Management, L.P. This [...]


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Saturday, March 26, 2011

Tax Tips for the Freelancer

This post is from staff writer April Dykman. If you’re one of the many freelancers and small-business owners who wait until the last minute to file your taxes, there’s good news in 2011: Tax Day is April 18 this year, which gives you three extra days. Ready for the bad news? That’s less than a [...]


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TVC: Toyota Retail ? ?Lifetime of Advantages (TFA)?

Lifetime of Advantages – Toyota Finance Advantage A huge new retail campaign for Toyota goes live this month covering TV, press, online, radio and POS. At the heart of the campaign will be Toyota’s new retail direction ‘A Lifetime of Advantages’, highlighting the value that Toyota delivers not only at the point of purchase but [...]


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Personal Financial Planning

The economy is still trying to recover from the worst meltdown since the Great Depression and now more than ever it may be helpful to introduce some personal financial planning into your life. It is understandable that you may be reluctant about investing either time or resources, but if your personal financial goals are to be reached then you will need to make it happen.


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Reader Story: How I Avoided Student Loans

This guest post from Crystal is part of the “reader stories” feature at Get Rich Slowly. Some stories contain general advice; others are examples of how a GRS reader achieved financial success — or failure. These stories feature folks from all levels of financial maturity and with all sorts of incomes. Crystal writes about finding [...]


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Investing in a House These Days Is Prudent if Real Estate Values Grow

Buying a house is a major financial decision that must be viewed from many perspectives to determine if the timing is right, if the investment is prudent, and if the Buyer is financially capable of fulfilling his potentially long-term obligations. Assuming the Buyer is qualified, the investment decision then hinges upon the condition of [...]


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Friday, March 25, 2011

Failure-wracked FDIC reaches for yield

Think you're getting killed by low interest rates? Just imagine how Sheila Bair feels. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. is spicing up its investment strategy after the $40 billion portfolio backing�its deposit insurance fund returned just 0.2% last year. Intensifying that dull ache, the portfolio shrank by a third as the agency tapped the account [...]


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The GRS Garden Project: February 2011 Update

Welcome to the GRS Garden Project. Every month, my wife and I track how much time and money we spend growing food. This is the report for February 2011. (Here are the results for 2008 and the results for 2009. We rested in 2010.) Spring is around the corner. I think. After spending three weeks [...]


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In Graphics: How to Sell a Home

Home sales fell to new record lows in February -- and economists do not expect the market to bottom out until next year. Having to sell a home in this environment is daunting, but our infographic will hopefully get you started.

You Can Have It All (Just Not All At Once)

This post is from new GRS staff writer Donna Freedman. Donna writes the Living With Less personal finance column for MSN Money, and writes about frugality and intentional living at Surviving And Thriving. Like J.D., Donna has been traveling lately — but she’s in merrie olde England, not Africa. Earlier this month, I attended a [...]


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Optimism About the Deficit

Spring Break in Austin.� Can?t beat it!� I wanted to send you a quick summary of an�interesting article from Monday?s Wall Street Journal.� The authors (Janet Hook and Naftali Bendavid) argue that there are several reasons why we should be more optimistic about the conversation about the budget deficit.� Here are their thoughts (these are [...]


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Thursday, March 24, 2011

The underarticulated politics of the ?economization? programme: A provocation

Many contributors to this site have an interest in using the methods and concepts of what has been called the ‘economization’ approach to studying markets (myself included). And have come in for criticism from some quarters for doing so. But in the effort to defend themselves against competing approaches, is insufficient attention being paid to [...]


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Book Review: Living the Savvy Life

This post is from staff writer April Dykman. Last year I wrote about the stereotypes perpetuated by many personal finance books written for women, especially that women like to ?shop till they drop.” As I mentioned in the article, a Consumer Expenditure Survey showed that women and men spend the same amount of money, just [...]


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3 reasons why munis are still safe

The war of words between Meredith Whitney and the municipal bond industry rages on while investors continue to pull out of bond funds. But it's still safer these days to be a muni bond investor than it is to be a public school teacher. Ever since Meredith Whitney unveiled a study forecasting a wave of [...]


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Renters Insurance: A Wise Consideration

Many people do not have renters insurance because they either do not know it is available or they feel it is not needed because they do not own the property or dwelling in they reside. Yet, owning renters insurance can be a godsend in the event of any number of hazards. Those who live in apartment complexes have no control over how their neighbors or other tenants live.


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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Developing Systems That Work

In my fantasy life, I’m an organized guy. In the real world, that’s just not the case. I do my best to stay on top of things — I make lists, use a calendar, ask Kris for help — but there always seems to be something slipping through the cracks. Before we left for Africa, [...]


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Rajaratnam's squid by association defense

Raj Rajaratnam's defense lawyer is working the guilt-by-association angle hard — for Goldman Sachs, that is. Fortune's Katie Benner fills us in from the U.S. District Courthouse on Foley Square in Manhattan: Rajaratnam's attorney, John Dowd, towers over Goldman Sachs (GS) chief Lloyd Blankfein. That fact was readily apparent when Dowd started his cross examination [...]


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A Quick and Easy Way to Check the Status of Your Tax Refund

This morning I posted my annual review of the Consumer Reports auto issue. Now might be a good time to publish another annual reminder: It’s tax refund season! If you have a refund due this year and you’re getting antsy for it, you can check its status easily with this simple web-based tool from the [...]


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Cut Through the Confusion to Unleash the Full Power of Performance Management

I keep coming across evidence that there are still serious misunderstandings about the potential scope and power of performance management initiatives.
Here’s an example: blogger Ann All recently posted this article titled “BPM + CRM = Improved (not Perfect) Customer Service.” In it, she advocates integrating a company?s customer relationship management (CRM) system with business process [...]


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Which hurts worse, to fire or furlough?

Now that unemployment has stabilized, it's time to ask whether the U.S. handled the downturn properly by laying off millions of workers instead of reducing their hours. At a time when economies around the world still face high unemployment following a very deep global recession, policy makers are debating the best way to handle downsizing.�A [...]


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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Credit Card Settlement Is It For You

Uncontrolled credit card debt has forced many consumers to opt for credit card settlement as a means of breaking free from the stranglehold of debt.� Faced with stark reality of spiraling card payments, many are looking for a less painful way out as they realize that it might take as much as 10 to 15 [...]


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Why isn't higher education more like online dating?

It is time for universities to take a page out of the playbook, by making online education pervasive, efficient, and higher quality. Only then will it lose its stigma. By Alex Taussig, contributor (I originally published this at my blog��Go check it out!) TechCrunch broke the news last�week that our portfolio company 2tor raised [...]


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Hedge Fund?s Pack Behaviors

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) recently published a headline article titled ?Hedge Funds? Pack Behaviors Magnifies Market Swings?. While it is not unusual to see the WSJ write on hedge funds and market swings, this article is unusual because it emphasizes the social ties linking investors. It reflects a sea change in the way that [...]


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The Power of Patience

When I was young, I had no patience. I wanted everything, and I wanted it now. No wonder, then, that I found myself with over $20,000 in credit-card debt just a few years out of college. I was spending to obtain a lifestyle that I wouldn’t be able to afford until I was older. Much [...]


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Atlanta Fed President ? More Cautious

Below, I have lifted a part of a recent speech by Atlanta Fed President Dennis Lockhart.� The idea is that inflation is starting to make him slightly more cautious.� The fear comes from commodity inflation as well as risks in fiscal policy.� Realize that these are Lockhart?s words (not mine), although I have removed some [...]


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Monday, March 21, 2011

Buffett?s Letter

On Saturday, Warren Buffett published his�annual letter to his shareholders.� It?s about 25 pages long and reviews Berkshire?s businesses.� While most of you don?t have interest in Berkshire?s individual businesses, there are loads of great takeaways in the letter, including his optimistic view of the future.� Here are some of them ? most of these [...]


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Dining on a Dime: Kids Eat Free and Other Restaurant Coupons

Cooking at home is the best way to save cash, but it?s nice to go out sometimes, too. Check out Frugal Foodie every Friday for a selection of the latest coupons for casual and fancy fare. This week: free macarons and milkshakes, kids-eat-free deals and cheap bagels, among other deals.

Reader Story: How I Avoided Student Loans

This guest post from Crystal is part of the “reader stories” feature at Get Rich Slowly. Some stories contain general advice; others are examples of how a GRS reader achieved financial success — or failure. These stories feature folks from all levels of financial maturity and with all sorts of incomes. Crystal writes about finding [...]


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Goldman says goodbye to Buffett

Warren Buffett's Goldman gravy train has lurched to a halt. Goldman Sachs (GS) said Friday it will pay Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway (BRKA) $5.6 billion to redeem the�loan the investment bank�took from�Berkshire at the height of the financial crisis. That's good news for Goldman, which paid Buffett's company more than $1 billion* in preferred stock�dividends over [...]


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Ask the Readers: Saving vs. Debt Reduction

The tone and content at Get Rich Slowly have shifted a lot in the past five years. When I started this site, I was a financial novice. I was learning about smart money management. Now, I’m in what I call the third stage of personal finance, and the basics come naturally. (Most of the time, [...]


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Sunday, March 20, 2011

Ask the Readers: Saving vs. Debt Reduction

The tone and content at Get Rich Slowly have shifted a lot in the past five years. When I started this site, I was a financial novice. I was learning about smart money management. Now, I’m in what I call the third stage of personal finance, and the basics come naturally. (Most of the time, [...]


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Why the yen needs to be restrained

The�dollar is going to keep getting sand kicked in its face till the U.S. economy finally flexes some job-creating muscle. The yen's surge this week prompted the G-7�rich countries to pledge Thursday evening to limit the Japanese currency's gains against the dollar. The United States, European Central Bank, United Kingdom and Canada will sell yen,�in [...]


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Market Update ? March 4

You should really consider reading Kyle Bass? letter to his investors.� Here?s the�link (and if you click on this link, you?ll see a place where you can read the letter as well as a small link that allows you to download the pdf).� Kyle Bass is the managing partner of Hayman Capital Management, L.P. This [...]


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The underarticulated politics of the ?economization? programme: A provocation

Many contributors to this site have an interest in using the methods and concepts of what has been called the ‘economization’ approach to studying markets (myself included). And have come in for criticism from some quarters for doing so. But in the effort to defend themselves against competing approaches, is insufficient attention being paid to [...]


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Vacation Travel On A Budget

Have you ever stopped to wonder why tourist traps exist? It?s because tourists are known for wasting money. You can be an exception to the rule; you can travel on a budget.


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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Follow-Up: Save More or See the World?

I get a lot of requests for follow-ups to reader stories and reader questions. People want to hear how things turned out. Because I want to know how things turned out, too, I’ve started a semi-regular feature at Get Rich Slowly. Whenever I hear back from a previous poster, I’ll share an update so that [...]


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Finance Problems using TI-83 Plus?

tou860 asks the question: Use the “Finance” key on you TI-83 to solve the following problems. Use the TVM Solver program in Finance. 1) Determine the monthly car payment necessary to repay a $29,700 car loan if interest is computed at 7.13% per year compounded monthly and the loan period is five years. N = [...]


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Forget March Madness, Welcome to Proxy Season

March ushers in baseball spring training, March Madness in the NCAA, signs of warmer weather, hopes of a better future, and ? yes! ? proxy filings.
I checked in with ClearBridge Compensation Group to get a feel for how preliminary proxy fillings look this season. Managing Partner Russ Miller (who many years back taught me quite [...]


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Take A Forex Course

If you have not already made yourself familiar with the two main types of foreign exchange analysis then it will be hard for you to determine which forex course will be right one for you. It is almost certain that you will need to take part in a forex trading course but how will you go about choosing the one that best reflects your needs?


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Friday, March 18, 2011

Spare Change: First 5k Edition

It’s been a while since I posted a fitness update around here. I’ve been a little scared to — some of you hate them! More than that, though, I’ve had a nagging injury. I’ve still been able to do my Crossfit exercises, but a bad Achilles tendon has prevented me from running since early January. [...]


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Some private questions for Apollo, before it goes public

Apollo Global Management has delayed the start of its long-awaited IPO roadshow, due to market turmoil caused by the Japanese earthquake. CNBC reports that the private equity firm now plans to begin soliciting investors next Monday, with hopes of raising around $500 million by the end of March. In other words, prospective investors have a [...]


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