Saturday, August 13, 2011

6th District Citizens Still Waiting for Roskam Response to Invitation for Candidate Forum

We know Peter Roskam has a pretty busy schedule, being a right-wing talk radio star and all, but we would expect him to� have the decency to at least respond to his constituents request for his participation in a candidates forum. Thus far he has ignored numerous requests. On September 27th we wrote about a [...]

Related posts:
  1. Citizens Seek Candidate Forum – Ben Lowe Says Yes, Peter Roskam Won’t Respond
  2. Ben Lowe: Still Not Too Late for Peter Roskam to Step Up & Debate
  3. A Chance for 6th District Residents to Hear & Meet Ben Lowe – Wednesday 10/19
  4. Peter Roskam Owes His District A Debate With Ben Lowe
  5. Roskam Opponent Ben Lowe to Hold 2 Events Highlighting Need for Clean Energy Economy

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