Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Can someone please put this in their own words?

Question by MuRRaY_MaN_JaY: Can someone please put this in their own words? Lung Cancer Symptoms Up to one-fourth of all people with lung cancer may have no symptoms when the cancer is diagnosed. These cancers usually are identified incidentally when a chest x-ray is performed for another reason. The majority of people, however, develop symptoms. The symptoms are due to direct effects of the primary tumor, to effects of metastatic tumors in other parts of the body, or to disturbances of hormones, blood, or other systems caused by the cancer. Symptoms of primary lung cancers include cough, coughing up blood, chest pain, and shortness of breath. A new cough in a smoker or a former smoker should raise concern for lung cancer. A cough that does not go away or gets worse Can someone please put this in their own words? Related posts:
  1. Lung Cancer Symptoms – When to Call Your Doctor
  2. can a patient have metastatic lung cancer, 4th stage and still not have symptoms like chest pains, coughing?
  3. Q&A: natural remedies for lung cancer?

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